
Discover Your Passion at Your Own Pace

还没准备好选专业? 不确定自己的职业目标?

本着文科的精神, the 打开选项 program gets students engaged in classes and experiences from a variety of areas before declaring a major. 在头两年, students explore courses that not only fulfill liberal studies requirements, but also provide introduction and insight into the disciplines that they might be interested in.


  • Explore the many KWU majors and concentrations and what recent graduates are doing
  • Understand requirements for completing a degree in an area of study
  • Learn more about themselves and their interests through assessment inventories and personality testing
  • Benefit from career development and information about opportunities available to them in the work world

All activities in the 打开选项 program are voluntary, but provide students an intentional approach to selecting a major and career path that fits them. Students make a choice on clear information and not just speculation.


To sign up for 打开选项 as your initial major, contact the 注册商’s Office in Student Services (K-Dub Hub), Room 285 in the Hall of the Pioneers, 或致电(785)833-4320.


Students may declare a major at any time during the first two years. The choice should be based on their readiness and the knowledge gained through exploring their interests, abilities and opportunities available on campus and in the workplace.

Students must declare a major by the beginning of their junior year.


不知道自己想学什么专业? 你并不孤单! Many high school and early college students are not sure what their future holds. 为了你的利益, college is just the place to explore some of those possibilities you are considering, and KWU has designed a program to help you do that.


A student can explore courses for a potential major while still meeting university requirements. This allows you to test-drive several majors, 当你准备好选择的时候, you can hit the ground running with a major and/or minor already begun, 准时毕业.

Trained advisors who value and encourage active exploration of the curriculum work with each student to help them make wise choices. Open-option students go through career development assistance by completing critical tasks and activities during the first two years of college to help figure out to what he/she is best suited.


  • 你选择(准备好了)
  • We will probably start with creating a short list and then narrow from there
  • A major must be declared by the start of the student’s junior year


你决定. 你现在不需要知道. We’ll give you some guidance and help you discover what some of your options might be, 基于你的技能和兴趣.


Students in the 打开选项 Program get early access for help from Career Services in the Student Development office, taking interest assessments and learning-style inventories and being mentored in both academic choices and career preparation.


Any student who has not yet decided on a major, 是大一或大二的学生, may participate in the 打开选项 Program. Nearly every college student explores a variety of academic avenues to make sure they like the track they are pursuing or to find something they believe is better suited to their interests and abilities. More than half of all college students change their majors before graduation.

Since it’s so common for college students to explore, we designed a program where you keep your options open, and where exploring is encouraged and supported. You start broad and narrow the search as you develop your interests, rather than guessing at something specific and then having to change your major or academic field when you discover it wasn’t what you thought it was.

Advisors assist participants as they try various classes and areas of study on for size. It’s a great way to get to sample things without being punished for being unsure of where you will land.

那么谁参与了呢?? Anyone who’s got a passion for more than one thing and isn’t quite ready to decide, or someone who is unsure of what life’s plan is, who is searching for the best way to find their dreams.


An important feature of the program is that students who have not declared a major are assigned to an 打开选项 advisor. The advisor encourages the student to select courses that will provide foundational structure as well as explore the subject matter while meeting requirements for timely graduation.